So here's my blog's manifesto, if you will: I intend to post, on a regular basis, photos and stories about the stuff that I make. And I make a fair amount of it. I'll be covering my cooking and baking (with recipes!), my knitting, my sewing, and any other crafty thing that wanders through my life. So let's get started...
This year for Christmas, my boyfriend got me a sewing machine. A Janome TB 12 for those of you who care. I learned to sew on a machine years ago, in 7th grade. We all took whatever the PC version of home ec is called, and our class project was to sew a bag. But not just any bag mind you, a cat-shaped bag. That's right. Cat shaped. It was orange. My mom still has it in a closet somewhere. And that was the end of my sewing adventure.
Until I got the Threadbanger. Learning to sew a straight seam was a challenge. Actually, it still is, but I digress. I hemmed curtains, made ugly pillows out of fat quarters, and generally played around. The apron pictured above is my first finished item. At least, it's the first item I'm not ashamed to show people. The pattern is Kwik Sew 3547, view C. The rick rack defeated me. That stuff is evil. Despite all of that, I like it. It defeats the orange cat shaped bag. I shall continue to sew!
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