March 25, 2010

The Nerdiest Kilt Hose Ever

The never ending socks. Last year during the fourth of July, I was asked to make the nerdiest kilt hose ever. And that's pretty nerdy, considering kilt hose are by definition geeky. The gentleman in question wanted his kilt socks to have wrenches on them, to reflect his engineering nature.

Have you ever tried to find a cable pattern for wrenches? I have. They don't exist, so I had to make my own. Last August, I bought the yarn and began the process of making kilt socks. I've sort of adapted a pattern, but in all honesty, I'm mostly winging it. I'm doing them two at a time on circular needles so I can be sure they turn out the same.

The project has been fraught. There were a few false starts, and more than a little anxiety. The latest worry eating at me is that they are too tight. They aren't of course. This worry stems from the fact that the gentleman in question has skinny legs, while I have been gifted with the mighty calves. They don't fit me, and so, I am anxious.

Why have they taken so long? I blame it in television. Or the lack thereof. We don't have tv in our house because we don't feel like paying for it, and everything we want to watch can be streamed to the tv through one of the house craptops. This saves us money, and makes us watch less tv. Awesome, right? Except that tv watching was prime knitting time for me. I've never been one to just sit and knit; there was always something else going on as well. So now that I have more of a life, I knit much less. Meaning the socks trudge along, not being finished.

There is also the latest setback. I did some plane knitting earlier this week. I'm planning for these to have a flap heel. Somewhere over New Jersey I made the flap, and when it came time to turn the heel over Virginia, instead of turning, I just made another short row heel entirely. My socks now have two heels, nicely executed, stacked one right on top of another. Needless to say, I need to rip out and try not to be such an idiot.

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